

HVAC systems are an important part of your home, and they can have a tremendous effect on the quality of your life. From providing comfort to regulating the temperature in your home, they’re essential. But there’s another benefit that many people don’t realize: properly sized HVAC units can help you save money on energy bills! If you don’t know how to size your HVAC system correctly, however, those benefits may never come into play. In this article we’ll discuss why proper sizing matters so much and how you can go about getting the right size unit for your needs.


Improperly Sized Units


An improperly sized HVAC system will not be able to cool or heat the home properly, leading to higher energy bills and cooling costs. It may also lead to equipment failure.

How to Choose the Right Sizing Method?

There are two methods of sizing HVAC systems: Manual and Automatic. In manual sizing, a technician will measure the square footage of the home and then use tables to determine how many BTUs are needed. Automatic systems are more accurate and can be set up to take measurements at specific times throughout the day and adjust accordingly.


Noisy Systems


When you have an HVAC system that is too small, it can make a lot of noise. Not only is this annoying and disruptive to your daily life, but it can also be a safety hazard. If your system is too small and doesn’t have enough power to do the job correctly, it will be working harder than normal and making more noise in order to keep up with demand. This puts strain on your unit and may even cause damage over time–a problem that will only get worse as temperatures rise outside during summer months when most people are running their air conditioners all day long!


A noisy HVAC system might also lead to higher utility bills because you’ll have to run the unit longer than necessary just so that it can keep up with demand from heaters or cooling systems (depending on whether you live in colder climates).


Energy Efficiency Issues


  • Increased operating costs and higher utility bills. The most common problem with HVAC systems is improper sizing, which can lead to inefficient operation and wasted energy. Inefficient units waste money on unnecessary equipment operation, increase utility bills, and increase your carbon footprint.
  • Poor air quality in your home or office space because of inadequate ventilation caused by undersized ductwork or filters that are too restrictive for the system being used. This can result in mold growth, allergic reactions and other health problems for you or your employees if not addressed immediately!


If you have a problem with your HVAC system, call us today. We offer 24-hour emergency service for all types of HVAC repair in Dunedin and the surrounding suburbs.


Increased Operating Costs and Higher Utility Bills


  • Increased Operating Costs and Higher Utility Bills
  • Properly Sizing Your HVAC System Can Help You Save Money on Your Energy Bills

You can help save money on your energy bills by properly sizing your system. In some cases, homeowners have been known to oversize their heating and cooling systems, which means they are using more electricity than necessary. If you’re experiencing high utility bills because of this problem, contact us today for a free estimate!


Don’t let your HVAC system’s lack of proper sizing become a problem for you.

Properly sizing your HVAC system is important for several reasons. If you don’t get it right, you could end up with a system that’s too small or too large for your home. This can lead to many problems including:


  • Increased energy costs due to overuse of the unit (when it’s not needed) and underuse of the unit (when it is needed).
  • Reduced comfort levels due to constant cycling on and off as well as poor humidity control that leads to dry air in some rooms and humid air in others.
  • Higher risk of equipment failure resulting from improper refrigerant charge levels which affects the performance of all components within an outdoor compressor unit or indoor blower compartment including motors, capacitors/relays/triacs etc.



If you’re experiencing any of the above issues with your HVAC system, it may be time to consider having it professionally sized. It’s an important step in making sure that your unit is operating properly and efficiently.


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